Mass combats tend to be a sticking
point for most table top games. A percentage of people want the gritty detail and
moving the units around the board, but many others find this level of detail boring. I
love wargaming, but I do not want it mixed in with my role-playing games. I am
more concerned with what the characters are doing in the battle and how they are making a difference. I think the
Battle of Helms Deep in the LotR movie is a great example of how a battle can go. The battle is happening, and we get a glimpse of it from a macro
view, but most of the time it is the heroes trying to handle different
situations that are arising in the battle. This is what I am trying to recreate
with these rules; something quick and easy for the GM and players to use and which creates a type of narrative for the battle.
RPG's roots is a wargame.
Battle Rules
First, we need to determine the
overall tide of battle and how the armies as a whole are operating. Much of
this is going to be GM’s fiat, but I find that a simple roll with a few modifiers would do in this circumstance. We will roll a check each Battle Turn, which, for our purposes, is 30 minutes of combat. Each side in the battle rolls a
D20 and adds any of the applicable modifiers from below. The side with the
highest total scores a Victory Point. At that point, a Push/Pull mechanic ensues. Each side is trying to accumulate three Victory Points to achieve a Total
Victory in the battle. If the losing side scores a Victory Point, it first
removes points from the opposition, before gaining its own Victory Points. In
the case of a tied number, no points are scored by either side.
+2 Currently Winning the Battle (Has the most
Victory Points)
+1 Won the Last Battle Round
+1 Larger Forces
-3 to +3 Army Leader’s Competency (DM
· +1 to +3 for Superior Magical Ability
+1 to +3 for Superior Troops
+1 to +3 for Superior Equipment
+1 for each Fortified Position or Terrain Piece
+1 for Defeating an Enemy Champion in previous Battle Turn
-1 allied Champion refused a FIGHT
-5 Commander Killed
DM’s Discretion for any other factor
Note: If one side’s battle roll is 10 more than the
opponent, two Victory Points are scored.
Example: Army A has two Victory Points and is one Victory Point away from a Total Victory. Army B is currently losing quite badly. Both armies total their modifiers for the round and roll a D20. Army A, with modifiers, rolls a 15, while Army B, with modifiers, scores a 17. This now changes the Victory Points. Army A has 1 Victory Point, and Army B is still losing, but they have pulled themselves back from the edge of Total Victory. Army A now needs to win two more rounds in a row to win, and Army B needs to win 4 more rounds in a row to win.
Optional Rules
The Curve - Some might find the randomness of a D20 too much for their taste. I might recommend using the same modifiers, but rolling 3D6 instead. This should give more of a Bell Curve result, and less variation.
Overwhelming Forces – If an army is more than double the
numbers of an opposing force, roll 2D20 and take the best result for the Battle
Roll. If using the optional rule, The Curve, roll 4D6 and take the best three numbers.
Variable Morale – Using the first to 3 Victory Point rule is
good for a standard battle, but different army's morale/training can vary. You
can have a harden force of knights defending their final keep, or you can
have an unruly mob of goblins and kobolds that are as likely to fight
themselves as the enemy. To reflect this, you can set different break points for the armies.
The knights might fight until the enemy gets four Victory Points, maybe even
five. The hoard army might break after just one or two victory points against
them. This is as always up to GMs discretion.

An attempt at mass battle rules.
Characters in Battle
This is what most players want to
know about in a battle: what is my character doing? I have modified an older
Legend of the Five Rings Battle System to be reasonably system neutral. It will
allow each character, or small groups of characters to act on the battlefield,
make a reputation for themselves, and possibly help sway the battle. I am
hoping the combined two systems will make something that is both satisfying for
the players and GM and reasonably quick to complete.
Refer to the Character Battle Chart (below) when examining these rules. Each Battle Turn a player, or group of players,
decides how engaged they will be. They will have 5 options Reserves,
Disengaged, Engaged, Heavily Engaged, or Retire from the Field. Depending on
how well the character’s army is performing, and their engagement status, will
determine the row that will be rolled on. The character will then roll a D20
and add his Base Attack Bonus (Do not include pluses for weapons or any
attribute) this will determine the row that the character is on this Battle
Turn. Where the row and column meet is the result for that character. This can
also be done as a group. Each player will roll and take the best result, but
for each additional character, shift the row down one step. The more people in
a group, the more likely people will take damage, and the less Reputation to go
around. When looking at the result, you have how much damage your character
takes from the fight, calculated in dice. You also have how much reputation is
earned for their actions on the field. Lastly, you could hit a special event,
FIGHT or Heroic Gambit, which is expanded upon below. Players may resolve
their rolls in any order they choose.
Optional Rule
Wizard/Arcane Spellcasters - Characters may expend a spell slot to add the level of the spell to their Base Attack Bonus for the Battle Turn. Dropping Fireballs on the battlefield is helpful, but it also attracts a lot of attention.
Damage and Reputation
The damage is purposely vague so
that the GM can determine what is best for their game. If you are using low
level characters, you might want to use a d4, higher level characters possibly
a d8 or even a d10. Armor should be taken into account. I advise, if using
an Ascending Armor Class System, each point above 10 should reduce the damage
by 1 point. If using a Descending Armor Class System, each point below 9 should
reduce the damage by 1 point. Damage can never be reduced below 1 point of
damage. In a battle, you are going to get fatigued and banged up. Groups of
characters suffer full damage dice to each character in the group. At the start
of any round, a character may choose to Retire from the Field, which effectively
removes them from the rest of the battle.
Reputation is there for the GMs to
use as a measure of the people in both armies seeing the actions of the players.
If the characters roll a space that does not have a special event, have the
player/s tell you what they are doing to earn that reputation. If the character
lands on a space that has a special event, the reputation should be tied to
that event. Reputation does not have a tangible mechanic tied to it, but I
would encourage the GM to award special accommodations from the General of the
Army, or maybe the king themselves for large amounts of reputation earned on
the battlefield. You could tie some form of XP to the reputation for the
battle, maybe 10 – 50 XP per point depending on the experience curve of your
game. Reputation in a battle may never go below zero. If a group of characters
gains Reputation, the Reputation is split among them, with remainders
dropping off. If a character chooses to Retire from the Field, they lose half
the Reputation they gained in the battle and the GM can rule that this causes a
dip in morale. This should be especially true with characters that have already gained high levels of Reputation in the battle as their leaving will be noticed.

Another attempt at creating mass battle rules.
Special Events
occurs when two or more champions from both sides of the battle find each other
and clash. The GM is encouraged to come up with a few champions for the battle
before the session. These champions should range in ability and class, and
could even be war machines or monsters. The player characters may turn down the
FIGHT, but it will result in a -1 on the Battle Roll next round. The
character/s will lose all Reputation gained up to that point, and is forced to
Reserves the following Battle Round. I cannot stress enough that these should
be quick engagement. If you are breaking out the battle mat, you might be
taking it too far. It seems thematically interesting to have like type FIGHT like type.
An example of what I mean is a Wizard Duel, or two Rival Clerics squaring off in a battle to
see whose god is mightier. If the characters are acting in a group, the GM can
have multiple combatants, or one larger combatant versus the group. XP and
items should be awarded to the characters for defeating the enemy champions.
Gambits are interesting things that happen on the battlefield that give the
players a moment to shine. Each will have its own premise, and outcome. All are
optional and characters can refuse to attempt them. Below I have given some
examples for the GM to pick from, but feel free to make up your own that fit your scenario, genre, and gaming group. Many of these are easily re-skinned into any RPG.
The Banner Has Fallen
Your character has the opportunity to pick up the fallen war
banner. While he has the banner he gets +1 reputation each turn, but has a -1
to his Character Battle Chart roll each turn.
Come With Me
The Army’s commander has lost/separated from their honor
guard. They want your character to join them in the battle. While you are with
the commander, they (GM) gets to determine your level of engagement. You will
receive a +1 Reputation each Battle Round you are with them, and other possible
in game rewards.
Have Our Battle In The
Enemy arrows are blotting out the sun and the character has
found a route deep into enemy lines to strike at the archers. It is a highly
dangerous opportunity. If the characters choose to attack the archers, they
suffer double dice damage this round, but receive double the Reputation for fighting all the way to the archers. The next round, the character is automatically Highly
Engaged. If still alive at the end of that round, the archers are defeated
and the enemy has a permanent -1 on the Battle Roll.
An opening in the lines has revealed a route to an enemy
spellcaster. Removing the spellcaster would be a great boon for the character’s
army. If the character chooses to attack the spellcaster, have them make an
appropriate saving throw, or take triple damage dice that round, making it to
the spellcaster but gain double the Reputation. The next round they are
automatically Highly Engaged, an if still alive at the end of that turn the
enemy has a permanent -1 to the Battle Roll, and the character/s gain a magic
Here And No Further
The character is ordered to hold this position, the
character may not change your Engagement at the start of next turn. Roll a
Basic Attack Bonus roll on a 15+ add two additional Reputation, 20+ add four
additional Reputation, 25+ add six additional Reputation.
Break On Through To
The Other Side
Your character is ordered to break through the enemy lines.
Next round the character has -3 to his Character Battle Chart, but gains three additional Reputation.
The Perfect Shot
The character has a perfect shot at an enemy champion.
Provided the character has a ranged weapon, allow them to make a ranged attack.
If successful, count it as defeating an enemy champion.
Lure The Hoard
The character has been given an order to pull the enemy line
out of position in order to make a gap. Next round your character is considered
to be Heavily Engaged and gains two additional Reputation.
A Savior Unto Thee
Your character sees an ally fall on the battlefield and you
manage to make it to them. No matter how grievous an injury, the character
manages to stabilize the ally. For the next two rounds the character is
considered Heavily Engaged as they battle their way with the ally back behind
friendly lines. The character receives an additional two Reputation each Battle
Turn, and the GM is encouraged to reward the character for their effort.
Help In The
Unlikeliest Place
Your character sees a
wounded enemy calling out for help. The character can choose to ignore the
plea, and will not suffer for it. If the character chooses to help, follow the
rules above, except no additional Reputation is gained. At the end of the
battle it is encourage that the GM reward the player with a new retainer with
increased loyalty.
Where’s Sarge?
Your character is now the highest ranking person in his
area. The character gains 1D3+2 warriors to lead for the rest of the battle.
While these warriors are alive and with the character, they gain 1 extra
Reputation per Battle Turn.
Battle Fury
The character is struck with a rush of energy from the
battle. They can choose to heal two damage dice of damage or have a +2 to the
next Character Battle Chart roll.
Magical Gift
An allied spellcaster has cast a beneficial spell on the
character. The GM will determine the effects.
Capture The Flag
Your character sees an opportunity to capture the enemy’s
battle standard. Once your character has the banner they may only move one step
towards the reserves every turn. This draws plenty of enemy attention and your
character is at a -4 to their Character Battle Chart Roll until the banner is
secured in the allied reserves. Each turn you spend with the banner you gain three additional Reputation, upon getting
the standard into reserves it counts the next round as a champion defeated for
the enemy.
That Was Close
An ally of the
character moves them out of the way to avoid damage. For this round the
character does not suffer damage dice. The character possibly owes a favor to
the ally in the future.
Support The Engineers
Your character has been asked to defend a group of military
engineers trying to fortify a forward position. Your character cannot change
his engagement status for the next two Battle Turns, and you must subtract -1
from the Character Battle Chart. If the character is alive at the end of two
Battle Turns, your side gains a Fortified Position Advantage.
Your character is needed to escort a unit of sappers to an
enemy fortification. Your character cannot change his engagement status for the
next two Battle Turns, and you must subtract -1 from the Character Battle
Chart. If the character is alive at the end of two Battle Turns, your enemy
loses a Fortified Position Advantage.
Be Prepared to Dig Two
Your character sees an ally cut down by a champion from the
enemy army. The ally has no chance to be saved, but your character can seek
revenge. The character may spend the rest of the entire battle seeking revenge.
At the end of each Battle Turn, your character may choose to move horizontally
or vertically on the Character Battle Chart to an entry that has a FIGHT in
order to defeat the champion.
An Army Which Carries The Ark Before It Is Invincible (Cleric/Divine Only)
Your character has a relic of their faith, and is escorting it to the Battlefield. As long as the character is on the field with the relic, they must be Engaged or Heavily Engaged. While on the field the relic inspires the character’s allies and there morale increases, thus it will take one additional Victory Point to defeat the army. In a standard battle this will be four victory points. While the relic is on the battlefield, it is the target of enemy aggression and the character/s must roll their Character Battle Roll at a -3 penalty. The character can at the start of any Battle Turn move into reserves and safely store the relic away, and all associated bonuses are removed. If the character dies/goes down, the enemy recovers the relic, and the associated bonus is removed from the allies and granted to the opponents. A character completing this action gets an additional Reputation each Battle Turn. If the character loses the relic, the character loses all Reputation and cannot gain any until the relic is recovered. This Gambit can only be attempted once per battle.
I Aim To Misbehave (Thief/Rouge
The character comes up with a plan that is so unusual, it
just might work. Or it could completely blow up in their face. The character
rounds up a group of Special Forces and disappears into the chaos of the
battle. The character will not participate in the next Battle Roll as they are
sneaking and getting into the perfect position. The following round they are
automatically considered Heavily Engaged. The character will then roll a D8 and
get a result. The GM will roll a D3, and subtract that from the result. If the
number is positive, the plan went off and that number is added to the Battle
Roll next turn. If the result is negative, the plan went south and the number
is subtracted from the Battle Roll next turn. This Gambit can only be attempted
once per battle. If multiple Thief/Rouges attempt the mission, roll multiple
D8s and take the best result. There is no additional Reputation, because the
characters are so stealthy they were unnoticed.
Cut The Head From The
The enemy general is exposed and your character has an
opportunity to rush in and attack. This choice should be reserved for at least
several Turns into the battle. The general will be guarded by his honor guard,
and the GM is encouraged to create an appropriate level challenge for this
combat. If the character/s win, the enemy army suffers a permanent -5 to Battle
Rolls, the character's allied army immediately earn one Victory Point, and the character gets triple the Reputation.
These rules owe a lot to this book.
I hope people try these rules and that they work out well. Thanks for reading and if you liked this please remember to follow and share.
If you are interested in Legends of the Five Rings click HERE.
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