
Wednesday, July 10, 2019

I Dream of B/X Genies

When working on my Al-Jadid articles I realized that a staple of the Arabian Fantasy genre was missing. In the BX books, you have Djinn and Efreet, but you are missing the other three major parts of the Genie world. Dao, the genie from the Plane of Earth, Marids the genie from the Plane of Water, and Jann who are native to the Prime Material plane, and a combination of all the elements. It is difficult to run an Arabian Fantasy game without the full court of genies because they all play an important part in the fiction. These were created in the style of the Old School Essentials monster entries, and should be fully compatible. This is now my go to system, but will easily fit into B/X, BECMI, LotFP, or LL. Their stats are based on the AD&D versions of the Genies, while using the B/X Djinn and Efreet as templates.

Classic Genie

         Please forgive the slightly misaligned formatting, the transfer from Word to Blogger did not go smoothly this time. I attempted for several hours to correct it to no avail. It is better on desktop than mobile.

Jann live in tribes scattered across the deserts. They generally distrust humans.

Magical, free-willed, intelligent beings that are a combination of all the elements. They are native to the Prime Material Plane and appear as extremely tall (7'-8'), fit humans.

AC 3 [16], HD 6+2* (27hp), Att by weapon with +3 damage, magic THAC0 13 [+6], MV 120’ (40’) / 300’ (100’) flying, SV D6 W7 P8 B8 S10 (12), ML 11, AL Lawful, XP 650, NA 1-2 (1-8), TT None
·         Physically Strong 18 STR
·         Often are armored in chainmail, AC becomes 2 [17].
·         Often wielding scimitar for d8 damage.
·         Magical Powers: Each can be used one at a time
1.       Invisibility 3/per day
2.       Grow/Reduce 2/per day (As Potion of Growth and Potion of Diminution)
3.       Create Food and Water 1/per day
4.       Ethereal Form 1 hour/per day
·         Survive in any Elemental Plane for 2 days, then must return.
·         Travel to any Elemental Plane and can bring up to six others.
·         Friendly with Djinn
·         Avoids Dao, Efreet, and Marids
·         Speaks all Genie Languages, Common, and all animals

Dao are not the brightest, but often come to the Prime Material to do evil tricks.

Dao (Lesser)
Highly magical, free-willed, intelligent beings from the elemental plane of earth. Large 10' humanoids that have an obsidian appearance.

AC 3 [16], HD 8+3* (39hp), Att 1 × fists (3d6), magic, THAC0 12 [+7], MV 90’ (30’) / 150’ (80’) flying // 60' (20') burrowing, SV D4 W5 P6 B5 S8 (14), ML 11, AL Chaotic, XP 850, NA 1 (1), TT None

·         Mundane damage immunity: Only harmed by magical  attacks.
·         Magic powers: Each can be used one at a time, once per day:
1.       Detect Good
2.       Detect Magic
3.       Change their appearance to another humanoid.
4.       Gaseous form
5.       Invisibility
6.       Illusion: Visual and audial. No concentration required. Remains until touched or dispelled.
7.       Pass Wall
8.       Change the aura of one target altering its alignment
9.       Create a Wall of Stone
·         May cast Transmute Rock to Mud 3/per day
·         May cast Move Earth 6/per day
·         Carrying capacity: 5,000 coins with-out fatigue. Up to 10,000 coins for 3 turns walking / 1 turn flying. Must rest 1 turn afterwards.
·         Not harmed by earth-based or earth-affecting spells.
·         Holy water does double damage to Dao.
·         Hate Djinn, Marids, and Jann
·         Friendly with Efreet
·         Speaks all Genie languages, common, Earth Elemental
·         If killed: Returns to the plane of earth.

Marids are the most powerful of Geniekind and they act as such.

Marids (Lesser)
Highly magical, free-willed, intelligent beings from the elemental plane of water. Large 18 foot humanoids that have blueish skin and pearls for teeth. They are the most powerful of the Geniekind.

AC 0 [19], HD 13+* (59hp), Att 1 × fists (4d8), magic, THAC0 9 [+10], MV 90’ (30’) / 150’ (80’) flying //240’ (80’) swimming, SV D2 W3 P4 B3 S6 (18), ML 11, AL Chaotic, XP 2300, NA 1 (1), TT None

·         Mundane damage immunity: Only harmed by magical attacks.
·         Magic powers: Each can be used one at a time, twice per day:
1.       Detect Good/Evil
2.       Detect Magic
3.       Detect Invisible
4.       Polymorph Self
5.       Liquid form
6.       Purify Water
·         Magical powers: Can be used one at a time, seven times a day:
7.     Gaseous form
8.     Part Water
9.     Lower Water
10.   Bestow Water Breathing for a day
11.   Control Weather (Fog only)
12.   Walk on water
13.   Create a 10 foot jet of water which blinds an opponent for one round when hit, and causes 1d6 damage.
·         Carrying capacity: 10,000 coins with-out fatigue. Up to 20,000 coins for 3 turns walking / 1 turn flying. Must rest 1 turn afterwards.
·         Not harmed by water-based spells or steam.
·         Marids automatically take half damage from cold based attacks.
·         Marids are at a -2 to save vs Fire based attacks.
·         Tolerate Djinn and Jann
·         Dislike Efreet and Dao
·         Speaks all Genie languages via ESP.
·         If killed: Returns to the plane of water.

         Let me know what you think about the various Genies. Do they feel right in comparison with the others of their kind? Am I completely off base? If you enjoyed this content, please follow the blog and share it if you know a group that might enjoy it. I plan to in a future article expand into the Noble version of all the genies, their court structure and even start the conversation on Tasked Genies. All in all I have my work cut out for me, which I will chip away at bit by bit. I hope you enjoyed it.

1 comment:

  1. I know I'm late to the party but I appreciate this - just started an OSE campaign set in an "Al-Qadim" kinda setting and sorely needed these things
